ponedeljek, 27. januar 2014


PARIZ DECEMBER 2013 - za novo leto v Pariz

Paríz (francosko Paris) je glavno mesto in obenem največje mesto vFranciji, glavno mesto osrednje francoske regije Île-de-France. Mesto znotraj svojih administrativnih meja, večinoma nespremenjenih od leta 1860, šteje 2.167.994 prebivalcev (leta 2006). Širše mestno območje se razteza precej zunaj administrativnih meja in šteje slabih 10 milijonov prebivalstva (leta 2005), metropolitansko ozemlje Pariza pa šteje skoraj 12 milijonov prebivalstva, kar ga uvršča med najgosteje naseljena območja celotne Evrope.

Pariz je danes eno vodečih svetovnih gospodarskih in kulturnih središč, s svojim vplivom na politiko, znanost, umetnost in zabavo pa se uvršča med glavna velemesta sveta.

V Parizu se nahaja sedež 36 od 500 najvišje kotirajočih gospodarskih družb na svetu[1]. V njem se prav tako nahaja več mednarodnih organizacij, kot so UNESCO, OECD, ICC in neformalni Pariški klub.

Pariz je eno najbolj željenih turističnih ciljev na svetu, z več kot 30 milijonov obiskovalcev na leto. Ponaša se s številnimi svetovno znanimi znamenitostmi, ki zaznamujejo panoramo mesta, med katerimi je morda najbolj znan Eifflov stolp.

vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pariz

Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is, with 2.2 million people living in the dense (105 km²) central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area, one of the largest agglomerations inEurope. Located in the north of the country on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such asChanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe,the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.

source: http://wikitravel.org/en/Paris

za pismene, za vsak slučaj....NEVARNOST Z LEVE :)
for those who know how to read, just in case.... danger left :)

 sprehod ob Seni
walk along the Seine

METRO...najboljša izbira za prevoz po Parizu
 METRO....the best choice of transportation in Paris

Palais de justice de Paris

The Palais de Justice (english Palace of Justice), located in the Île de la Cité in central Paris, France, is built on the site of the former royal palace of Saint Louis, of which the Sainte Chapelle remains. Thus the justice of the state has been dispensed at this site since medieval times. From the sixteenth century to the French Revolution this was the seat of the Parlement de Paris. The Palais also contains the ancient structure of the Conciergerie, a former prison, now a museum, where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned before being executed on the guillotine.

The building was reconstructed between 1857 and 1868 by architects Joseph-Louis Duc and Honoré Daumet. The exterior includes sculptural work by Jean-Marie Bonnassieux.

It was opened in October 1868 with little fanfare, save from a visit by Baron Haussmann, prefect of the Seine. It was awarded the Grand Prix de l'Empereur as the greatest work of art produced in France in the decade.

Security is maintained by gendarmes.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palais_de_Justice,_Paris

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris (French for "Our Lady of Paris"), also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral or simply Notre-Dame, is a historic Catholic cathedral on the eastern half of the Île de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France.[2] The cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.

As the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris, Notre-Dame is the parish that contains the cathedra, or official chair, of the archbishop of Paris, currently Cardinal André Vingt-Trois.[3] The cathedral treasury is notable for its reliquary which houses some of Catholicism's most important first-class relics including the purported Crown of Thorns, a fragment of the True Cross, and one of the Holy Nails.

In the 1790s, Notre-Dame suffered desecration during the radical phase of the French Revolution when much of its religious imagery was damaged or destroyed. An extensive restoration supervised by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc began in 1845. A project of further restoration and maintenance began in 1991.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre_Dame_de_Paris

La Rose Sud ou Rose du Midi

(Point Zéro des routes de France et de Paris)

Hôtel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville in Paris, France, is the building housing the city's local administration. Standing on the place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville (formerly place de Grève) in the city's IVe arrondissement, it has been the location of the municipality of Paris since 1357. It serves multiple functions, housing the local administration, the Mayor of Paris (since 1977), and also serves as a venue for large receptions.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B4tel_de_Ville,_Paris

Institut de France

Institut de France je francosko strokovno združenje, ki so ga ustanovili 26. oktobra 1795. Danes ga sestavlja 5 akademij, približno 1000 fundacij, kot tudi nekateri muzeji in dvorci. 

The Institut de France (French Institute) is a French learned society, grouping five académies, the most famous of which is the Académie française.

The Institute, located in Paris, manages approximately 1,000 foundations, as well as museums and châteaux open for visit. It also awards prizes and subsidies, which amounted to a total of €5,028,190.55 for 2002.[citation needed] Most of these prizes are awarded by the Institute on the recommendation of the académies.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_de_France

 Pont des Arts / Passerelle des Arts

The Pont des Arts or Passerelle des Arts is a pedestrian bridge in Paris which crosses the Seine River. It links the Institut de France and the central square (cour carrée) of the palais du Louvre, (which had been termed the "Palais des Arts" under the First Empire).

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pont_des_Arts

“The "Love Lock" bridge in Paris”

Love padlocks on the bridge

z metrojem do hotela / with metro to hotel

La Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre- 
Bazilika Svetega Srca

Bazilika Sacré Cœur ( Sveto srce) je pariška rimskokatoliška cerkev in znamenitost, ki krasi grič Montmartre, najvišjo točko Pariza.

Grič Montmartre se v severnem delu Pariza vzpenja 129 metrov visoko. Ime pomeni gora mučenikov (mont des martyrs), ker je to kraj mučeništva svetega Denisa, prvega pariškega škofa (pozno tretje stoletje) in njegovih spremljevalcev.

Na ta kraj je prišlo veliko svetnikov (sveta Klotilda, sveti Bernard, sveta Ivana Orleanska, …) in tudi sveti Ignacij Lojolski ter sveti Frančišek Ksaverij katera sta leta 1534 tukaj ustanovila Societas Iesu oz. Družbo Jezusovo (jezuiti).

Velika benediktinska opatija je zasedla celoten grič do francoske revolucije, ko so bile nune obglavljene in je opatija razpadla.

vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bazilika_Sacr%C3%A9-Coeur

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica and often simply Sacré-Cœur is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. Sacré-Cœur is a double monument, political and cultural, both a national penance for the excesses of the Second Empire and socialist Paris Commune of 1871 crowning its most rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ.

The Sacré-Cœur Basilica was designed by Paul Abadie. Construction began in 1875 and was finished in 1914. It was consecrated after the end of World War I in 1919.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacr%C3%A9-C%C5%93ur,_Paris

....hmmm nč jasno kje sm
...hmmm I haven't a clue where I am

Arc de Triomphe 

Slavolok zmage, gradnjo Slavoloka zmage je leta 1806 naročil Napoleon, da bi z njim obeležil svoje vojaške uspehe. Slavolok je bil dokončan šele 30 let pozneje, v času vladanja zadnjega francoskega kralja Ludvika Filipa.

Slavolok zmage je, poleg Eifflovega stolpa, ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih turističnih znamenitosti Pariza. Ko se s postaje podzemne železnice Charles de Gaulle-Étoile po stopicah povzpnete na Elizejske poljane, se naenkrat znajdete sredi nepopisne množice turistov, ki fotoaparate obračajo v okornega kamnitega velikana. Ta stoji sredi ogromnega krožišča, po katerem se noč in dan vali neusahljiva reka avtomobilov. Krožišča nikar ne poskušajte prečkati – do slavoloka pojdite skozi podhod.

Slavolok zmage svoji spoštljivi starosti navkljub daje vtis neomajne trdnosti. Okrašen je z reliefi in kipi, ki prikazujejo zmagovite trenutke iz Napoleonovih epskih bitk. Pod slavolokom je grobnica neznanega vojaka. Postavili so jo leta 1920 v spomin vojakom, ki so se bojevali za svobodno Francijo.

vir :http://hotelskerezervacije.eu/znamenitosti-pariza-slavolok-zmage-pariz/

The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle (originally named Place de l'Étoile), at the western end of the Champs-Élysées.[3] It should not be confused with a smaller arch, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, which stands west of the Louvre. The Arc de Triomphe (in English: "Triumphal Arch") honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and theNapoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

The Arc de Triomphe is the linchpin of the historic axis (Axe historique) – a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.

The monument stands 50 metres (164 ft) in height, 45 m (148 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. The large vault is 29.19 m (95.8 ft) high and 14.62 m (48.0 ft) wide. The small vault is 18.68 m (61.3 ft) high and 8.44 m (27.7 ft) wide. It was the largesttriumphal arch in existence until the construction of the Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang, in 1982.[4] Its design was inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus. The Arc de Triomphe is so colossal that three weeks after the Paris victory parade in 1919 (marking the end of hostilities in World War I), Charles Godefroy flew his Nieuport biplane through it, with the event captured on newsreel.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_de_Triomphe


Avenue des Champs-Élysées or Champs-Élysées

Elizejske poljane (francosko Avenue des Champs-Élysées ali samo Champs-Élysées) je znana avenija v Parizu in ena najznamenitejših ulic na svetu. Dolga je 2 km in poteka med trgoma Place de la Concorde ter Place Charles de Gaulle, kjer se nahaja Slavolok zmage.

vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizejske_poljane

The Avenue des Champs-Élysées is a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champs-%C3%89lys%C3%A9es

 Place de la Bastille

The Place de la Bastille is a square in Paris, where the Bastille prison stood until the 'Storming of the Bastille' and its subsequent physical destruction between 14 July 1789 and 14 July 1790 during the French Revolution; no vestige of it remains.

The square straddles 3 arrondissements of Paris, namely the 4th, 11th and 12th. The square and its surrounding areas are normally called simply Bastille.

The July Column (Colonne de Juillet) which commemorates the events of the July Revolution (1830) stands at the center of the square. Other notable features include the Bastille Opera, the Bastille subway station and a section of the Canal Saint Martin. Prior to 1984, the former Bastille railway station stood where the opera house now stands.

The square is home to concerts and similar events. The north-eastern area of Bastille is busy at night with its many cafés, bars, night clubs, and concert halls.

As a consequence of its historical significance, the square is often the site or point of departure of (usually left-led) political demonstrations, including the massive anti-CPE demonstration of 28 March 2006

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Place_de_la_Bastille

 Église Saint-Laurent 

The Church of Saint-Laurent is a church in the 10th arrondissement of Paris (119, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin, 68, boulevard de Strasbourg or 68, boulevard de Magenta). It is built on Paris's north-south axis, linking Senlis and Orléans, as laid out by the Romans in the course of the mid 1st century BC, now marked by the rue du Faubourg-Saint-Martin, rue Saint-Martin, rue Saint-Jacques and rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques).

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Laurent,_Paris

Gaumont Opéra

Palais Garnier

The Palais Garnier is a 1,979-seat opera house, which was built from 1861 to 1875 for the Paris Opera. It was originally called the Salle des Capucines because of its location on the Boulevard des Capucines in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, but soon became known as the Palais Garnier in recognition of its opulence and its architect, Charles Garnier. The theatre is also often referred to as the Opéra Garnier, and historically was known as theOpéra de Paris or simply the Opéra, as it was the primary home of the Paris Opera and its associated Paris Opera Ballet until 1989, when the Opéra Bastille opened at the Place de la Bastille. The Paris Opera now mainly uses the Palais Garnier for ballet.

The Palais Garnier is probably the most famous opera house in the world, a symbol of Paris like Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, or the Sacré Coeur Basilica." This is at least partly due to its use as the setting for Gaston Leroux's 1910 novel The Phantom of the Opera and, especially, the novel's subsequent adaptations in films and Andrew Lloyd Webber's popular 1986 musical. Another contributing factor is that among the buildings constructed in Paris during theSecond Empire, besides being the most expensive, it has been described as the only one that is "unquestionably a masterpiece of the first rank." This opinion is far from unanimous however: the 20th-century French architect Le Corbusier once described it as "a lying art" and contended that the "Garnier movement is a décor of the grave".

The Palais Garnier also houses the Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra de Paris (Paris Opera Library-Museum). Although the Library-Museum is no longer managed by the Opera and is part of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the museum is included in unaccompanied tours of the Palais Garnie.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palais_Garnier

L'église de la Madeleine - Cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene

Cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene v 8. okrožju, zgrajena kot tempel v spomin na Napoleonovo vojsko.

L'église de la Madeleine, Madeleine Church; more formally, L'église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine; less formally, just La Madeleine) is a Roman Catholic church occupying a commanding position in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.

The Madeleine Church was designed in its present form as a temple to the glory of Napoleon's army. To its south lies the Place de la Concorde, to the east is the Place Vendôme, and to the west L'église Saint-Augustin.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Madeleine,_Paris

L'obélisque de Louxor

The Obelisk of Luxor at the center of the Place de la Concorde and Paris eye

The Luxor Obelisk (French: Obélisque de Louxor) is a 23 metre (75 ft) high Egyptian obelisk standing at the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. It was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxor_Obelisk

La Tour Eiffel

Eifflov stolp je že sto let sinonim za Pariz, nemudoma prepoznavna silhueta je znana po vsem svetu. Lahko ga pojmujemo tudi kot simbol industrijske dobe, drzno demonstracijo višin, ki jih je dosegel človek z znanjem in inženirsko veščino poznega 19.stoletja.

Eifflov stolp je železni stolp, ki stoji na trgu Champ de Mars ob reki Seni v Parizu. Danes je ena od največjih mestnih znamenitosti.

Leta 1889 je bila v Parizu Svetovna razstava. Za to priložnost je Gustave Eiffelnaredil načrte za kovinski stolp. Zgrajen je bil od 1887 do 1889. Stolp je bil zgrajen iz 18.038 kovinskih delov s skupno maso 8.000 ton. Kljub temu je stolp obremenjeval podlago le s podobnim pritiskom, kot obremenjuje stol sedeči človek. Prva etaža stolpa je na višini 57 metrov, druga na 155 metrih in vrh na 300 metrih. Leta 1954 so za potrebe televizije namestili še dodatne antene, tako da je stolp zrasel na 320,75 metra.

Do leta 2005 so ga že šestkrat prebarvali (v drugo barvo). Pomembna je tudi osvetljava, ki trenutno poudarja njegovo notranjo zgradbo (zadnjih 13 let). Zgrajen je iz dveh delov: osnove in konice.

Na leto ga obišče več kot tri milijone ljudi.

vir: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eifflov_stolp

The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel) is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010. 

The tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. During its construction, the Eiffel Tower surpassed theWashington Monument to assume the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Buildingin New York City was built in 1930. Because of the addition of the antenna atop the Eiffel Tower in 1957, it is now taller than the Chrysler Building by 5.2 metres (17 ft). Not including broadcast antennae, it is the second-tallest structure in France, after the Millau Viaduct. 

The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. The third level observatory's upper platform is 276 m (906 ft) above the ground, the highest accessible to the public in the European Union. Tickets can be purchased to ascend by stairs or lift (elevator) to the first and second levels. The climb from ground level to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. Although there are stairs to the third and highest level, these are usually closed to the public and it is generally only accessible by lift. 

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower

čakanje na vhodu v Eifflov stolp...
waiting at the entrance of Eiffel...

s ladico po seni
with a boat on the river Seine

Château de Versailles

Versailles je jugozahodno predmestje Pariza in občina v osrednji francoski regiji Île-de-France, prefektura departmaja Yvelines. Leta 1999 je naselje imelo 85.726 prebivalcev. Versailles je svetovno znan po palači Château de Versailles in njenih vrtovih

Versajska palača (francosko Château de Versailles) je še danes najbolj trajen spomenik absolutistične vladavine Ludvika XIV.

Gradnja je bila Ludvikova velika strast, iz časa državljanske vojne v svojem otroštvu pa je imel tudi neprijetne spomine na Pariz. Zato je dal svojo najveličastnejšo palačo zgraditi v Versaillesu, zunaj Pariza.

Prvotno je bila lovski dvorec, med 1670 in 1700 pa so jo spremenili tako, da so dodali dve krili, po načrtih Julesa Hardouina Mansarta in uredili ogromne simetrične vrtove, ki jih je oblikoval André Le Nôtre. Charles le Brun je oblikoval notranjost z veliko pozlate, stekla in številnimi tapiserijami ali stenskimi preprogami. Tapiserije so pogosto izdelovale subvencioniranemanufakture, na primer slavna manufaktura tapiserij Gobelins. Slike so poveličevale Ludvikove vojaške uspehe v vojnah z Nizozemsko in njegove dosežke vFranciji. Vsepovsod si bile navzoče podobe sonca - Ludvikovega osebnega simbola.

Ludvik je sam vodil večino del, pri katerih je v desetletju po 1680 sodelovalo 36.000 mož in so stala 70 milijonov liver. Dela še niso bila končana, ko so se Ludvik in njegovi dvorjani po 1670 naselili v palači. Končno je tam in v bližnjem mestu živelo 15 tisoč ljudi.

Versailles je bil do 1789 sedež francoske absolutistične monarhije. Ludvik se je tam sestajal z ministri, izdajal ukaze in sprejemal tuje vladarje in veleposlanike. Kraljevo veličastje so poudarjale bleščeče predstave; številne med njimi sta prispevala dramatik Molière in skladatelj Lully. Življenje v Versaillesu se je vrtelo okrog Ludvikovih vsakdanjih navad: menda si lahko določil uro, če si le vedel kaj dela Ludvik.

Plemiči so morali prihajati na dvor, da so dokazovali svojo zvestobo, in tam so med seboj tekmovali za pravico, da smejo streči Ludviku - kajti to je bila pot do kraljeve naklonjenosti. Pregon iz Versaillesa in izpred kraljevega obličja je postopoma postal huda kazen. Ludvik je tako okrnil svobodo plemstva in utrdil svojo oblast.


The Palace of Versailles or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France region of France. In French it is the Château de Versailles.

When the château was built, Versailles was a country village; today, however, it is a wealthy suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest of the French capital. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France from 1682, when Louis XIV moved from Paris, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning of the French Revolution. Versailles is therefore famous not only as a building, but as a symbol of the system ofabsolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Versailles

Avenue des Champs-Élysées

The Avenue des Champs-Élysées is a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world.[1] Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champs-%C3%89lys%C3%A9es

...Silvestrovo na Elizejskih poljanah...ZAKON :)
...New Year's Eve on the Champs Elysées

...hvala za prelepo silvestrovo in prečudovito potovanje zelo posebni osebi :)))

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